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CARTA-BRAIN Collaborative Neurotechnologies REU


Spend ten weeks this summer performing research in the application of advanced, real-time analytics to  emergent neurotechnologies in a collaborative Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.  Students will have the opportunity to work with researchers in the NC State Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA/NCSU) and the Building Reliable Advances and Innovation in Neurotechnology (BRAIN) Center at the University of Houston.  

Participants will work closely with leading advanced analytics researchers at CARTA/NCSU and with neural engineers and neuroscientists at the BRAIN Center at the University of Houston.  You will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of innovative medical devices including diagnostics, neural interfaces, medical robotics and other ongoing cutting-edge research in neural, cognitive and rehabilitation engineering.  Summer research projects will involve the application of advanced, real time analytics techniques to the data stream from these devices to help make them more immediately useful and provide real-time feedback to subjects using the devices.

We are currently working with various University units to determine whether this REU program will be virtual or on-campus.  We hope to have a firm answer from all parties involved by mid-April.  Until then, we will work on the assumption that the 2021 CARTA-BRAIN Collaborative Neurotechnologies REU program will be virtual, with online training modules, online lab visits with PIs/mentors, mediated virtual research based on unique existing datasets as well as at-home research practices.

Participating students will receive a stipend. The dates for the 2021 program are May 24 to July 30.  Applications will be accepted through Friday, April 16, 2021. See below for application instructions.

Program Components

Selected students will be trained in all aspects of the research including responsible conduct of research, experimental design, data acquisition and collection, data analysis and written/oral presentation skills. Students will also be educated on the ethical, regulatory, and other societal considerations on the use of technology to understand, repair or augment the body and brain capabilities, and will receive preparation to successfully pursue graduate school

As part of this project, the students will collaborate with industry and academic research partners, including researchers and subject matter experts at NC State and the University of Houston.  They will gain instruction and experience in the creation and maintenance of collaborative relationships among distributed teams, with an emphasis on applying professional tools and technologies used by virtual teams in professional and research environments.

The REU students will report their research at the Undergraduate Research Symposium at both NC State and the University of Houston, and will have the opportunity to submit proposals to regional or national conferences.  If their results are sufficiently robust, they will also have the opportunity to author a manuscript for submission to a refereed journal.

Who Should Apply?

The CARTA-BRAIN Collaborative REU Neurotechnologies program is open to all rising sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduate students enrolled in a university program leading to a baccalaureate degree. Applicants should have an interest in interdisciplinary research of importance to biomedical and STEM disciplines, preferably with future plans for graduate school or industry careers. Members of demographic groups that are underrepresented in sciences are especially encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

To apply, fill out the online application along with each of the following components. All documents should be submitted electronically in either PDF or MS Word format:

1.) Compose a personal statement that addresses scientific interests and career goals. Within the statement, be sure to indicate the area(s) of research in which you are interested.  Restrict your statement to 1 – 1.5 pages.

2.) Obtain a digital copy of your academic transcript and attach as instructed in the application form.

3.) Arrange for a letter of recommendation from a professor or faculty member who is able to comment on your academic ability.